The Steeplejack and Lightning Protection Training Group (SLPTG) was formed as the Steeplejack Industry Training Group, in August 1974 to organise systematic training for the industry.
SLPTG works closely with Government, industry bodies and members to formulate and develop operative training and development for the lightning protection and steeplejacking industries. This has included developing the steeplejack and lightning protection national apprenticeship schemes, and the NVQ L3 Lightning Protective Systems Inspecting and Testing.
SLPTG also organises sector-specific training courses for its members, from apprentices and operatives through to management and supervisory roles. Courses are organised throughout the year at a low-cost or free of charge for members. Details of current courses and dates can be viewed in the Training & Events Calendar.

SLPTG is governed by a Council, which anyone from any member of the training group can join. Council members dedicate their time and effort to help maintain a skilled steeplejack and lightning protection workforce on behalf of the whole industry. Current council members are listed on our website.
The Training Group work closely with the National Specialist Accredited Centre (NSAC), Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) and the National Construction College (NCC).
The Training Group continues to work closely with the Association of Technical Lightning and Access Specialists (ATLAS), whose criteria require all UK-based full members to also be a member of the Training Group.